Saturday, July 8, 2017
Scary Morning for Friday and Meowmy
I'm not sure how to write this post. So I will just start from the beginning. Friday woke me up this morning 3:45, vomiting and diarreah. He actually waited for me to clean the box before he went. He urinated and had yucky poopies. He wouldn't come to bed. I just thought he had upset stomach.
Woke up at about 6:30 more vomit, but clear and he tried to poop again . I got breakfast ready for all of them, but he wasn't interested...first time in his entire life. He went back to the box trying to poop and made a noise like he was in pain and vomited in box too. I called my vet and got soft carrier ready. Picked him up, he was hissy at me.
Got to vets and it took awhile for sedation to work. Physical exam, ultra sound d and uretha cathetar all showed clear bladder. With his history this had to first be ruled out. Then x-rays were done.
It looked bad...saw this mass on his intestine..Dr. Liz was preparing me and said it could be one of three things...foreign body, intossception that's where the intestines go in on each other or it was cancer. She wanted to know how I wanted to proceed. I couldn't take him home like this, he would die a painful death.
I told her I learned from when my brother was dying of cancer to make sure nothing was left undone or un regrets. To do surgery. If it was cancer, she would leave him under and I would go and have my time and say good bye to the most incredible mancat God ever made..
I prayed and gave Friday back to God. And then waited. The vet assistant, Kathy was awesome, stayed and talked with me. The vet student, an incredible guy, came out about 40 minutes later and waved me over...told me it was a foreign object and Friday will be fine.
Dr. Liz came out after doing everything and making sure Friday was comfy. What happened was a blockage at the intersection of the small and large intestines. Looked like a hard clump of poop, but like poop should be found in that area. I have no idea if it's the Coop litter I bought and disliked..
I'll never know for sure..but Friday had major surgery..he may come home tomorrow, but we're thinking Monday. I have to make room in the bedroom for a quiet spot..working on this tonight. My precious Friday is alive but he needs lots of purrs and prayers ok...two surgeries in nine days for two cats...won't see the light of day for months paying off the vet bills, but I have the kitties and wouldn't change anything for them, I love them all so much
Friday, June 30, 2017
I Am Home!!!
I came home from the vets yesterday afternoon!! I couldn't wait to get out of there, let me tell you. But when I was there, I was a very good girl. I never once said a meow..they told Meowmy I was way quiet and if they didn't know I was in the building they wouldn't have known I was there at all, that is how quiet I am!!! I am a pretty quiet girl, but I do like to talk to Meowmy and scream at the girls, just to get a reaction from them, MOL!!
ok, so this is what happened..On Wednesday I went in for an exam. The doctor felt me and thought it may be a cyst, so she took a cell sample and Meowmy went away for awhile, came back to find out the results and all clear from that slide.
It was decided I would stay in and have the lump (cyst) removed on Thursday morning, under a local and numb the area and after that get my hair done for the summer.
Meowmy thought they would send the cyst away for analyzes, but nope!! She didn't request it and they said it would cost alot of money and the cell slide was all clear to begin with.
The other vet (there are two awesome women there) did the procedure on me and she said it was easy to do. The cyst was about the size of a pea, maybe a bit smaller and popped right out. The stitches are all inside of me.
The vet was really surprised to hear Meowmy found the lump on me, considering all my long hair and how tiny the spot was. Meowmy asked the vet if she had ever hear of the Sugar Rub and the foundation and the vet smiled and said yes she had!!! Way up here in a small town in Canada a young vet already knows all about the Sugar Rub!! Sugar has made such a huge impression and her mother promoting how important the checks are, too!!
So Meowmy told her thats how we found it. I was checked over all my nipples to make sure nothing else was felt and its all good!!
So pawese remember to do the Sugar Rub!!! Meowmy gently does it when I am realaxing, showing my tummy and half asleep.
here are some photos of me from last evening at home, wif my new summer hair do ~ I am hiding my boo boo mark from the camera...Meowmy has to keep an eye on the area for a bit
Mr. Sunshine came out to visit me after all the rain, it started right after I got in the house
Meowmy was shocked I jumped up on the Highboy, its a little away from the bed, but I love it up here, beside the open window
Whats dat noise???
Well, dats it fur now, but please make sure to check boys as well as girls, the Sugar Rub is furry important!!
Can't keep this Princess down, now what shall I do today???
ok, so this is what happened..On Wednesday I went in for an exam. The doctor felt me and thought it may be a cyst, so she took a cell sample and Meowmy went away for awhile, came back to find out the results and all clear from that slide.
It was decided I would stay in and have the lump (cyst) removed on Thursday morning, under a local and numb the area and after that get my hair done for the summer.
Meowmy thought they would send the cyst away for analyzes, but nope!! She didn't request it and they said it would cost alot of money and the cell slide was all clear to begin with.
The other vet (there are two awesome women there) did the procedure on me and she said it was easy to do. The cyst was about the size of a pea, maybe a bit smaller and popped right out. The stitches are all inside of me.
The vet was really surprised to hear Meowmy found the lump on me, considering all my long hair and how tiny the spot was. Meowmy asked the vet if she had ever hear of the Sugar Rub and the foundation and the vet smiled and said yes she had!!! Way up here in a small town in Canada a young vet already knows all about the Sugar Rub!! Sugar has made such a huge impression and her mother promoting how important the checks are, too!!
So Meowmy told her thats how we found it. I was checked over all my nipples to make sure nothing else was felt and its all good!!
So pawese remember to do the Sugar Rub!!! Meowmy gently does it when I am realaxing, showing my tummy and half asleep.
here are some photos of me from last evening at home, wif my new summer hair do ~ I am hiding my boo boo mark from the camera...Meowmy has to keep an eye on the area for a bit
Mr. Sunshine came out to visit me after all the rain, it started right after I got in the house
Meowmy was shocked I jumped up on the Highboy, its a little away from the bed, but I love it up here, beside the open window
Whats dat noise???
Well, dats it fur now, but please make sure to check boys as well as girls, the Sugar Rub is furry important!!
Can't keep this Princess down, now what shall I do today???
Sunday, June 25, 2017
It's Me, Miss Bijou's 11h Gotcha Day Today!!
Meowmy was all caticited dis morning, telling the ofur furs its mai spawcial day today!! Little precious me having a spawcial day!!!
It's a spawcial day for Meowmy and me ~ 11 years ago she was at a furiends farm, looking over these four little kitties, three white ones with colourful markings on their little heads and then there was me!! the most colourful one and the leader of the pack!! My siblings were following me around and up and down the tree we went, and my Meowmy watched us and I captured her heart.
She wasn't in the market for another kitty, there were two orange boys at home and she thought that was more than enough.
But I captured her attention and her furiend really wanted to find homes for us, so Meowmy picked me!! and she named me right there on the spot too, Bijou, which is french for jewel.
I entered her heart that day, in small subtle ways and kept wiggling deeper into her heart until I was fully hers and she could never ever part with me again. I found a furever home with someone who would love me, care for me, keep me safe from all harm, brush me, put bird videos on fur me to watch, buy me favourite treats and let me rule the roost as I ruled her heart.
A couple of Catster furiends made me some keepsake pictures, which we always treasure and they are saved to make copies to go into my memorial book Meowmy will be working on. Each of us kitties will have our own.
This one is furm Manytoes, Rory and Tundra
This one is from Herbie and Callie Rose
We love both of these keepsake photos, they are just bewtifur
Last night Meowmy decided I needed some purrsonal entertainment so she put on the Cat Sitter dvd fur me and I was so catcitied!! I got up close to the tv to watch those birdies!! She made small movies about it and that is something else, we will be making lots of movies about alla us...Meowmy loves alla four of us and needs to make as many memories of each of us as she can
She also got out the ofur two carriers so Friday doesn't freak out when I am put into one on Wednesday morning and head out the door..the really big one Neiko is using as her girl cave and I am not sure which carrier I am using, but I have to go to the doctors so we are working on preparing me, Friday and Meowmy is trying to get positive here, but one day at a time is all we can ask for right now.
Friday, June 23, 2017
Mr. Sunshine Pawese Stay Awhile
We all had an awesome nights rest...I stayed beside Meowmy and slept all last evening, got up fur a short while and den when it was offically bedtime, found my spot, and settled in.
Had Meowmy laugh a little as I jumped on the bed and went towards Bailey she gave a little, "no" purr meow sound, and moved outta my way! All I was trying to say was Good Night to her!! Its the same fing all the time, they all think I want to hurt them and I don't.
So after Bailey got scared and moved away, I turned to go to the other side of the bed, settled down and slept there the rest of the night.
This morning we had our nummies and then I went into the living room and hopped up on the table to get some vitamin D...Mr Sunshine was out!!! Whoot!!! I love Mr. Sunshine and he's been hiding alot lately.
Meowmy figured it was a good time fur a photo shoot, so here I am on location!!
Meowmy loves how my whiskars curl up too, and can you see I have multi coloured eyes, nothing plain about this Princess!
was gonna get a hair cut, but don't fink so...I am too beautiful in all my glorius fur
Had Meowmy laugh a little as I jumped on the bed and went towards Bailey she gave a little, "no" purr meow sound, and moved outta my way! All I was trying to say was Good Night to her!! Its the same fing all the time, they all think I want to hurt them and I don't.
So after Bailey got scared and moved away, I turned to go to the other side of the bed, settled down and slept there the rest of the night.
This morning we had our nummies and then I went into the living room and hopped up on the table to get some vitamin D...Mr Sunshine was out!!! Whoot!!! I love Mr. Sunshine and he's been hiding alot lately.
Meowmy figured it was a good time fur a photo shoot, so here I am on location!!
Meowmy loves how my whiskars curl up too, and can you see I have multi coloured eyes, nothing plain about this Princess!
was gonna get a hair cut, but don't fink so...I am too beautiful in all my glorius fur
Thursday, June 22, 2017
The Queen n' Alpha cat
I am a beautiful girl! Meowmy has told me dis like forever, mol! And when people come over they go all Gaga over me. They say how beautiful I am.
I take it all in, as they are so smart! I prance around people so they can see all my loveliness, pet me, as I'm furiendly too.
I'm also the Queen around here. I like being the boss, just my nature. Hey, it wasn't my idea fur Meowmy to bring other kitties, especially girls, into our furmily ...I let them know I'm the boss and top gurl!
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Worried About Our Bijou
It's been way too long since we were here blogging. Lots has happened too. Cornie the nasty property manager is finally gone from our lives. Meowmy had an accident in April 2017 from a fall that resulted in her falling straight back onto her head on the cement floor. She has come along way, but still has some side effects from that.
And yesterday, June 20/17, while Meowmy was giving Bijou the Sugar Rub on her chest and tummy, felt something not right. One of Bijou's nipple is protruding. kinda scare to take a really close look. Bijou will be going into the vet to have it checked out next Wednesday morning unless something changes and she has to go in earlier.
Also, this coming Sunday, June 25th will be Bijou's 11th Gotcha Day. She was born on a farm up the road from us on April 21/07 and came to live wif us on her Gotcha Day..never had babies and was spayed when she was nine months old.
Here is a picture of Bijou when she was a baby and come to live wif Buddy and me, Friday
She still had her blue eyes here
First furmily picture of the three of us
She was walking like the boss already, MOL!!
To say that Meowmy is upset, scared would be putting it mildly. So to help us furkids keep Meowmy busy and her mind occupied, we figured we would send her here everyday to write about Bijou, memories and stuff and photos....and to write about alla us too.
Keep an eye out fur our posts
and pawese say a prayer fur our Bijou
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