Hi there. My name is Friday. I live wif my three sisfurs: Bijou, Bailey and Neiko. Oh, yes and our Meowmy too!! We've been thinking of having a blog fur awhile now, and well, I guess this is the beginnings of one, MOL!!! (means, MEOWING OUT LOUD, like we're laffing).
Once upon a time my Papa Buddy, he had a blog. Changes happend in our life and we didn't use it. We can't access it, to do updates, but we want to add the link here, so you all can meet and see Buddy too ~ oh and by the way, Buddy will be making appearances on our blog once in awhile, too. Buddy is an Angel at Rainbow Bridge, has been since 2008. He is and always will be apart of this furmily.
Now let's see, I am nine years old and the only boy at home. Meowmy really loves me lots. She love alla us furbabies, MOL!! We brighten her day and make life bearable for her.
Now this blog is new, so bear wif us kibbies as we learn to manouver and decorate our pages here!! We've got lots of story's and adventures to share wif alla you, so please comment and come back to visit wif us again!!
Here, I will post some pictures of us furbabies so you can see what we look like:
dis is a famous picture of me. Lot's of my furiends have seen this picture, they know it is me, Friday, in my HL hat ~ my furiend, Athena, she says I remind her of Frank Sinatra, O'l Blue Eyes himself, but mine are green, MOL!!
This is Bijou. She is the Royal Princess, if you please!! in her younger days, she was really bossy. Bijou is now 8 years old. She loves Meowmy so much too ~ she really is quite bewtifur I will admitt
This is Bailey, she was born on the very day we moved into the house we now live. She came to live with us 8 months after Buddy went to Heaven. Bailey likes to sleep close to Meowmy, well, we all do!! But Bailey has her spot and that's that!!
And last, but not least is Neiko. She is a gurl!! lots want to say he, on account of the moustache, but don't let that fool you.